Overview, Mission, Vision, Principles
Governor Hochul’s ConnectALL initiative, mandated by the WIRED Act, will be the largest-ever investment in New York's digital infrastructure, transforming it with over $1 billion in new public and private investments, in rural and urban areas statewide and continuing New York State’s connectivity leadership.
Closing the remaining digital divide is critical because having universal access to high-speed broadband in our digital economy is as essential as having heat, clean water, and reliable electricity. Connectivity helps New Yorkers go to school, work remotely, find a job, start a business, access healthcare, and communicate with loved ones. Further investment in this vital public infrastructure will not only strengthen the progress of our State’s initial investments, it will boost economic growth and local innovation far into the future.
The mission of ConnectALL is to build New York State's digital infrastructure and connect all New Yorkers through the internet. The ConnectALL Office oversees the statewide digital equity plan and administers over $1 billion in public investments across the state.
Governor Kathy Hochul established ConnectALL in 2022 to transform New York State’s digital infrastructure so all residents and businesses have access to high-speed, reliable, and affordable internet for education, economic growth, and full participation in civic life. This vision is pursuant to the principles also articulated by the New York State Legislature in the 2022 Working to Implement Reliable and Equitable Deployment of Broadband Act (WIRED Broadband Act).
- Access to high-speed, reliable, and affordable internet is essential for education, economic growth, and full participation in civic life.
- The persistence of the digital divide is a key barrier to improving the general welfare.
- The digital divide disproportionately affects communities of color, lower-income areas, rural areas, and other vulnerable populations, and the benefits of internet access should be available to all.
- A robust and competitive internet marketplace in New York supports general economic development and benefits New Yorkers with improved internet service and affordability.
- The State has a shared responsibility to assist in ending the digital divide, supporting a more robust and competitive internet marketplace, and carrying out other actions to ensure universal access to high-speed, reliable, and affordable internet.
ConnectALL has adopted the following five digital equity principles that speak to the purpose of our work. These principles strongly resonate with diverse stakeholders across the state and will be used during the implementation phase as we align activities across programs.
Equity – All residents and businesses should have the internet, digital literacy, and devices to participate fully in our society, democracy, and economy.
Performance – All internet service should be reliable and of high quality, delivered with excellent customer service and providing safe, rewarding quality jobs.
Choice – All residents and businesses should be able to determine their service provider, service plans, and modes of digital engagement.
Affordability – No one should be denied internet service because of an inability to pay.
Safety – All residents should have privacy, security, and dignity online, and our use of the internet should enhance our well-being.
Digital Equity Program to support New Yorker's use of the internet to participate in our society, democracy and economy.
ConnectALL Deployment Program for areas that lack broadband infrastructure.
Regional and Local Assistance to assist local governments, counties, municipalities, Tribal Governments, and other government entities to plan or prepare for broadband deployment or other digital equity initiatives.
Municipal Infrastructure Program for municipalities, non-profits, municipal utilities, and other entities to construct open and accessible public broadband infrastructure.
Affordable Housing Connectivity Program, a partnership with New York Homes and Community Renewal to retrofit affordable housing with broadband installations as part of the agency's overall housing plan.
Connectivity Innovation Grant Program to develop creative broadband solutions and ensure New York is a global leader in pioneering future breakthroughs. (This program is forthcoming.)
Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee
Pursuant to the New York State WIRED Act, the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee was created in the division of broadband access in 2022. Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee members will advise ConnectALL on topics including the expansion of high-speed, reliable, and affordable broadband, fostering consumer choice, increasing competition in the broadband industry, promoting open-access infrastructure, potential guidelines or regulations for implementation of broadband-related programs, and aspects of state broadband reports.
The Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee is a non-compensatory advisory board, and there are no projected costs associated with this advisory board in future years. All members of the advisory committee, other than ex-officio members, shall serve for terms of three years, such term shall commence on the first day the committee is convened. The current term ends on October 17, 2026.
Read the press release announcing the members of the Broadband Deployment Advisory Committee here.
Committee Members
Governor’s Appointees and Member Affiliation
- Frank Muia, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; individual representing a telecommunications union (Kings County)
- Allyson Mitchell, Mohawk Networks; individual with substantial expertise in tribal affairs (St. Lawrence County)
- Camille Goldman-Joseph, Charter Communications; expertise on service providers with over 100,000 subscribers (Albany County)
- James Becker, MIDTEL; expertise on service providers with less than 100,000 subscribers (Schenectady County)
Senate Appointee
- Laurie Wheelock, Public Utility Law Project (Albany County)
Ex-Officio Members
- Chair - Joshua Breitbart, Empire State Development
- Jackie Bray, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
- Paul Cardettino, State Education Department
- Mary Harding, Department of Transportation
- Moses Kamya, Office of General Services
- Becky Koepnick, Homes and Community Renewal
- Scott Melvin, Department of Labor
- Ali Mohammed, New York Power Authority
- Brian Ossias, Department of Public Service
- Patrick Ryan, Division of Budget
Previous Meetings
10/18/2023: View the presentation
11/21/2023: View the presentation
3/27/2024: View the presentation
12/10/2024: View the presentation
New NY Broadband Program
The New NY Broadband Program is the most recent precursor to ConnectALL. In 2015, New York State made an initial $500 million investment with the New NY Broadband Program — the largest state broadband investment in the nation at the time. Working through public-private partnerships, the program deployed more than 21,000 miles of fiber, providing access to 256,000 homes, businesses, and community institutions.
Learn more about the New NY Broadband Program.
Contact Us
Email ConnectALL: [email protected]
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Mailing Address
ConnectALL Office
655 Third Avenue 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10017