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Municipal Infrastructure Program

Grants to construct last mile, open access, public broadband infrastructure
Municipal Infrastructure Program


ConnectALL’s Municipal Infrastructure Program supports municipalities, state and local authorities, non-profits, and other entities established pursuant to Section 99-y of the New York State General Municipal Law to construct open access municipal broadband networks in their communities across the state. Broadband infrastructure funded through the Municipal Infrastructure Program will be owned by a public entity or publicly controlled. The program facilitates a variety of models of municipal broadband and public-private partnership, where eligible public entities, Tribal Nations, municipal utilities and utility cooperatives can partner with private partners like Internet Service Providers, Managed Service Providers, broadband infrastructure builders, and owners. The new infrastructure will be open to Internet Service Providers to provide New Yorkers with affordable, high quality service options. ConnectALL’s Municipal Infrastructure Program is funded by the U.S. Department of the Treasury under the American Rescue Plan’s Capital Projects Fund.

The Municipal Infrastructure Program is informed by ConnectALL's successful pilot projects, which showcased the transformative potential of publicly-owned, open access fiber optic networks. For more information on the pilot projects, view the presentation and recording of the webinar Panel on Pilot Projects that Informed ConnectALL’s Municipal Infrastructure Program, March 2024.


AwardeeRegionAward Amount
Southern Tier NetworkSouthern Tier$18,190,000
Livingston CountyFinger Lakes$26,549,730
Village & Town of Sherburne and Town of ColumbusSouthern Tier$6,939,124
Towns of Dryden and CarolineSouthern Tier$8,995,979
City of SyracuseCentral New York$10,812,004
Franklin County and Development Authority of the North Country (DANC)North Country$2,419,342
Orleans CountyFinger Lakes$11,562,698
Schoharie CountyMohawk Valley$30,000,000
Central New York Regional Planning and Development BoardCentral New York$26,181,289 
Sullivan CountyMid-Hudson$29,943,365
City of Jamestown & EntryPoint Networks Inc.Western New York$29,926,817
Franklin CountyNorth Country$13,131,088


Read the Press Release for Round 1 of awarded projects

Read the Press Release for Rounds 2 and 3 of awarded projects


For information on projects in ConnectALL's Municipal Infrastructure Program click the button below.

Project Dashboard

Program Dates

ConnectALL is not currently accepting applications for the Municipal Infrastructure Program. The infrastructure constructed through this program must be substantially complete, defined by U.S. Department of Treasury as fully operational, by December 31, 2026.  

ConnectALL received applications to the program in three phases. ConnectALL reserves the right to modify the schedule or add phases in order to meet the goals of the program and timeline required by the Treasury's Capital Projects Fund.  

Eligible Applicants

Eligible Public Applicants
  • Public Entities: Municipalities (cities, counties, towns, villages); Tribal Nations; state and local authorities; entities established pursuant to Section 99-y of the NYS General Municipal Law; not-for-profit entities with authorization from public entities; and regional planning boards formed under the provisions of NYS General Municipal Law.
  • Municipal Utilities: Local government entities, including those established by a municipality as nonprofit Utility Cooperatives


Eligible Private Partner Applicants
  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
  • Managed Service Providers (MSPs)
  • Broadband Infrastructure Builders
  • Broadband Infrastructure Owners

Application Information

U.S. Department of Treasury Award to ConnectALL

Contact Us

Please send your questions regarding the Municipal Infrastructure Program to: [email protected]

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