State Funding
The Municipal Infrastructure Program will support the development of open-access and publicly owned and/or controlled last mile fiber broadband infrastructure to deliver reliable high-speed internet service to homes across the state.
Coming Soon
Regional and Local Assistance will provide funding to assist local governments, counties, municipalities, Tribal Governments, and other government entities or entities created by units of government to plan or prepare for broadband deployment or other digital equity initiatives.
The ConnectALL Deployment Program will provide grant funding directly to Eligible Applicants to construct and install: 1) last-mile infrastructure; and/or 2) communications equipment that can deliver broadband services to unserved and underserved locations.
Federal Funding
Affordable Connectivity Program
The ACP is no longer accepting applications. As of February 7, 2024, the program stopped accepting applications. Consumers enrolled in the ACP will continue to receive their benefit until the program ends.
Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds can be used to support eligible broadband infrastructure projects.
Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) POWER Initiative can provide communities with grant funding for broadband planning if the community is located in ARC territory.
Northern Border Regional Commission can access, affordability, and use of high speed telecommunications by Northern Border residents and businesses.
National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) offers a number of broadband programs to support municipalities and maintains a clearinghouse though BroadbandUSA with additional resources.
Broadband Service Maps
New York State PSC Broadband Map
The first iteration of the New York State Public Service Commission Broadband Map was released in June 2022. The map and it’s accompanying report will be updated annually. The full report may be obtained by going to the Commission Documents section at the bottom of the Commission’s website and entering Matter Number 21-02182 in the input box labeled “Search by Case Number".
FCC National Broadband Map
The National Broadband Map provides information about the internet services available to individual locations across the country, along with new maps of mobile coverage, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in the FCC’s ongoing Broadband Data Collection.
Community Planning
Own Your Internet: How to Build a Public Broadband Network is a handbook that sets out, in simple terms, the key decisions a community and its leaders must make as well as the concrete steps they must take to build a successful public network. The handbook also provides a list of resources and industry partners. Published by the Benton Institute and the American Association for Public Broadband.
BroadbandUSA, housed within the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), serves state, local, and tribal governments, industry, and nonprofits that seek to expand broadband connectivity and promote digital inclusion. BroadbandUSA promotes planning and funding efforts through solution-neutral guides and resources, hosting local and regional planning workshops that offer opportunities to convene with broadband stakeholders across the country, the National Broadband Availability Map (NBAM), and promoting interagency coordination.
The National Broadband Resource Hub is a philanthropic initiative empowering government and community leaders to build a better broadband future. Not sure how to begin? Visit the Hub's website for starter guides and other resources.
Benton Institute for Broadband & Society Accelerate: A Community Broadband Planning Program. With billions of dollars flowing through states to achieve universal broadband and digital equity, this guidebook will help local leaders ensure their communities are not left behind. The Accelerate community broadband planning program educates and supports community leadership teams as they create their community’s broadband vision and goals and pursue the best possible broadband solutions for their area.