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Regional and Local Assistance

Provides assistance to government entities to prepare for broadband deployment and digital equity initiatives



Eligible applicants

  • New York local governments, counties, municipalities, Tribal Governments, and other government entities or entities created by units of government

Funding amount

  • Total funding available: $10 Million

Grant size

  • Planning Grants: Up to $249,999
  • Capacity Grants: $50,000 - $150,000

Applications are currently not being accepted


The Regional and Local Assistance Program provides grant funding to New York local governments, counties, municipalities, Tribal Governments, and other government entities or entities created by units of government to plan and implement broadband or wireless deployment and digital equity projects and programs, and other efforts consistent with the ConnectALL mandate. The program will provide grants or technical assistance to eligible applicants for program funding to include non-capital resources, technical assistance and planning which could include feasibility studies or digital equity research, identifying areas in need of internet service or new investments in broadband, or the development of financing for broadband facilities. This program does not fund construction in any form.


Read the Press Release

Program Dates

June 6: Request for Applications Issued

June 17: Opening of Consolidated Funding Application Portal

July 15: Application submission deadline

October 2024: Anticipated announcement of awards

Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants are New York local governments, counties, municipalities, Tribal Governments, and other government entities or entities created by units of government, such as special units of government, regional planning boards, or government-controlled nonprofits, as collectively authorized under section 99-y of the General Municipal Law. See also General Municipal Law ยง2. Eligible applicants may choose to subcontract for certain aspects of project implementation, but in that case, the applicant should identify that subcontractor through a public procurement process.

Application Information

Contact Us

Please send your questions regarding the Regional and Local Assistance Program to: [email protected].

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